Monday, July 25, 2005

Crossover Lowriders

    Due to the recent popularity of shows such as "Pimp-My-Ride" (I think every car on that show qualifies to be on this site), it seems people are beginning to think they can turn anything into lowriders. Lowriders are on the line when it comes to fugliness in the first place. It's to the point when the type of car itself will push it into the realm of fugliness. These two cars are a sort of case-in-point.

    Lowriders were born to be big, classic American cars. Rarely are cars made past 1980 made into low riders, mainly because they don't have the size and style to do so. Sports cars are also not meant to be lowriders.

    A mid-80's Firebird doesn't not have the lines for a lowrider, and is a sports car. Sure - Firebirds of that period had like 100hp and can't really be called sporty, but nonetheless. Also - foreign car should not be made into lowriders. ESPECIALLY cheap ass ones from the 80's. Hence the Jetta. I mean, if you're going to spend thousands of dollars on modifying the car, you should at least spend more than $50 on the car itself.

    These cars also have bad pearlescent paint, but that's another story. Pearlescent paint was meant for depth. The mica flecks in the Jetta's paint are so huge they look like someone coated the car in Elmer's glue and stuck glitter on it. It's turning paint into bling.

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