Monday, July 27, 2009


    Information coming from Renault South Africa is that the company is now a Level 5 Contributor in terms of Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE) legislation by the National Empowerment Rating Agency.

    “This is good news for us and also our business partners,” Marc Gantzer, Renault South Africa’s Vice President of Finance, “who will derive benefit from our Procurement Recognition Level which has climbed from 60% to 80%. Renault’s BBBEE scorecard will impact positively on theirs via their procurement score which accounts for 20% of the total number of points awarded in the scorecard.”

    “Renault is proud to have achieved full marks in the Enterprise Development and Socio-Economic Development categories which are the two key indicators of the role Renault plays in previously disadvantaged communities,” adds Bongie Dlamini, Financial Manager of Projects. “The first is scored on the extent to which Renault has made both financial and non-financial and recoverable and non-recoverable contributions to entities that meet the Enterprise Development criteria. The second is based on the degree to which our company has supported majority (75% black beneficiary) Black communities and our top score in this segment has been achieved through Renault’s support of the Valued Citizens Initiative.”

    It is quite a mouthful indeed, but one also has to look at how Renault South Africa has impacted or plans to impact small black businesses. Specifically how much advertising is garnered by black-owned media from Renault? That obviously speaks directly to the people who speak directly – apart from dealers - to Renault’s customers.

    While this may be good news for Renault because it will now be able to tender for a bigger slice of government business, in reality the situation could be quite different.

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