Saturday, April 22, 2006

Faralli & Mazzanti Antas V8

    Take all that's bad about TVR and Macros from the 70's, mix in lots of chrome and various random louvers and you have the Antas V8.

    They say:
    "The Antas project is based on an in-depth study of the stylistic evolution of the Italian automobile of the first years of the 1930s to the end of the 1960s: The golden era in which elements of style were created and developed, and even today put their imprint on the most beautiful lines of automobiles of the world."

    I say:
    It looks like it was drawn by a 12 year old on the edge of his lessons in math class. To say that it takes all that is beautiful of Italian cars from the 30s-60s is especially odd, since it's ugly and looks like some of those awkward British sports cars from the 70's. With a rear wing that's an homage to the Russian Tatra. I particularly like the strange bent looking grille up front.

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